Carbon Emission Management System

Action's Emissions Management System is backed by Machine Learning models and trusted by more than 250 people.

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About Project

we take care of your carbon emissions

We initiate the process of emission management by measuring the emissions through our customized Emission Calculator (Paper based). Second step is to reduce the amount of vulnerable actions producing large chunk of emissions. We do this by matching them with solution, which are effective and easy to follow, that are tested by the surveys and Data Science models. We have weekly sessions of emissions calculation with them to check on their progress.

Additionally, we send them regular emails to educate them about Global Emissions Crisis and global and local solutions for the same. Since the initiation, ACTION has worked with 300+ people, 5 Businesses, and 2 Industries to promote our initiative of emissions reduction.

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People Worked On This


Worked with businesses


Worked with Industries


Metric Tons - Reduced Emissions